A life sciences campus that is itself a catalyst for growth.
We're landlords.
We’re also a team of advisors, operations experts, sounding boards, humanitarians, and mentors. For the life sciences companies we partner with, our idea of a research and development park is something new and vibrant. We take companies with the heart to make the world better and build up from there, adapting facilities and expertise to support them—because we can’t think of anything more important than their success, and it’s our mission to help, 24/7, at our Silicon Valley hub.

Find your next headquarters, or start with a state-of-the-art incubator. Grow with modular lab facilities. Scale up as you need more space.
Managed by Tarlton Properties, a proven life sciences leader whose mission is to help you achieve yours.
We don’t just have facilities. We also facilitate, using strong Menlo Park community ties to get development moving.
Start out in
the hometown
of startups
We’re located at the hub of east, west and south Bay Area, Stanford University and the life science venture capital community. From here, you can change the world.
Results from
the lab are in...